Bullish Outlook for Commercial Real Estate?

By admin | July 10, 2020

Bullish Outlook for Commercial Real Estate?

Posted by admin on Jun 22, 2013 12:00:26 AM

New housing starts fell 3% in November from the previous month but according to our next guest there is a segment of the real estate world the commercial real estate area.
That has really been moving full steam ahead and will do so he says into the new year joining us now out of Fox Business exclusive dot glad.
Federal Realty Investment Trust CEO and president our -- I mean look it.
-- the number that we got today and housing it looks like the housing market is either bottoming are starting to move up off the bottom so that's good news but.
You uncommonly bullish about your realm and that is commercial real estate tell -- why what's at the heart of why you feel a lot better about things today.
I am Liz you know -- it's so funny I I I can't really even explain it but but consumers continue to consume.
And my business in the retail side of of commercial real estate and when I look at -- People shopping traffic counts in our in our shopping -- -- Bomb I don't have numbers on purchases Janet won't have mental next month.
But traffic is up people are out there retailers are doing deals so you know I think everybody's kind of looking through the fiscal cliff I hope they're right.
Depends on the day but but I think people are pretty optimistic in terms of you know what -- -- will bring.
Your publicly traded ticker symbol FR she you've got about twenty million square feet but -- equals out to be about 86 properties in the shopping malls that you do have.
Tell me Don you know what are the anchor stores -- you're saying traffic is looking really good what's drawing the crowds.
-- the number of things first though we're not malls and -- -- open air shopping centers and I and I am talking about it's important to understand the -- the main coastal markets in the country so.
Boston through Washington DC on the East Coast northern California Southern California.
On the West Coast a little bit in in Florida to.
An end in in -- the great quality com.
Outdoor shopping centers what we're seeing our our you know tenants like Bed, Bath & Beyond tenants attendance.
-- -- restaurant traffic health club traffic.
That really it's quite robust generally in those in those areas and that has been the case through most of 2012.
Markedly higher than -- we founded in 2011.
Including the amount of deals that those retailers you know want to -- leases that they wanna sign for the future -- It you know will see about 2013 from the standpoint of of whether this comprehensive tax or tax reform lots of things that are still certainly up in the air but right now.
Most retailers both -- seemed to be looking through that so.
Are you investing I know you're -- -- a property but argue are you looking at.

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